Hello, Im

Fahmi Widianto



In my short time there, I've already contributed to many projects with millions users. Ideally, i would like to continue specialize in building APIs as Backend engineers.











Year Experience


Completed Projects






01 / Website Application Development Of Diplomatic Services Ministry Of Foreign Affairs

Hotel And Restaurant Tax Features


This application is a project that was mandated to me from an internal company. Maintenance project (Implementation user interface, bug fixing, database design and implementation feature). Using CodeIgniter 2 Framework with MySQL.









02 / Website Application Development Of Candra Plants

Project application intended for created to sell ornamental plants from Lembang


Analyzing, planning, design and implementing, This application is integrated with the API (built by Code Igniter 3 Framework PHP) with MySQL and ReactJS.









03 / Polyclinic Polban Web App Development with Restful API Implementation

Web Application contains several things related to services ranging from patient registration, patient data management, patient queues, patient medical record management, polyclinic service information management, and real-time chat between patients and doctors


Analyzing, planning, design and implementing, This application is integrated with the API (built by Laravel 5 Framework PHP) with MySQL and ReactJS.









04 / Website Artstyle Corner

Web Application that displays digital works in the form of images that can be traded, there are upload, account, chat, image market features (references from pinterest, freepik)


Database design and implementing backend & integration function to frontend, This application is integrated with the API (built by Laravel 7 Framework PHP) with MySQL









05 / Get Driver

Web Application that manages the drivers that will do their job, here from the side of be just creating CRUD APIs, and managing driver transactions


Analyzing, Database design, and implementing, This application is integrated with the API (built by Laravel 7 Framework PHP) with MySQL









06 / Obermain

Web Application that manages obermain product, landing page, selling product, order flow, and integrated with swift oms


Implementing customize module, create webhook rest api, integrated 3rd app/api, etc, This application built by Magento 2 Framework PHP with MySQL









07 / Indesso

Web Application that manages indesso product, landing page, etc


Implementing customize module, create webhook rest api, integrated 3rd app/api, etc, This application built by Magento 2 Framework PHP with MySQL









08 / Sooplai Plutus - Orami

Web Application Plutus is a bare-minimum tool that helps distributors make documented payments for their invoices — specialised towards cash deposit payments


implementing customize module, create webhook rest api, integrated 3rd app/api, etc, This application built by Magento 2 Framework PHP with MySQL









09 / Swiftoms Projects

SWIFT OMS acts as a hub to connect one or more sales channels with one or more back office systems such as ERP or Warehouse. The primary functions of SWIFT Omnichannel are, Manage and maintain sources, Manage and maintain inventory level on each source, Manage and maintain virtual inventory, Manage and maintain orders flow process, Manage omnichannel process, Running allocation rules to fulfill order, Become the central data repository for other system


Lastest I Manage Swift Oms application of Mitra 10, Loccitane, Eiger, Biofarma, Multiseller (Warung pintar), Sinarmas App, & Emba jeans


implementing customize module, create webhook rest api, create grapql, create rest api, Integration with n8n, Integration with 3rd app, etc. This application built by Swift OMS Magento 2 Framework PHP with MySQL